Weather: please use proxyWeather/ + the request you want to do to
example: /proxyWeather/weather?zip=40218&units=imperial
News: please use proxyNews/ + the request you want to do to
example: /proxyNews/top-headlines?country=us&category=Business
External Url: please use /getUrl method to cache an external url. this method requires an 'url' parameter.
url: string, url to get
expire: number, time to determine if the cached version is expired or not. defaults to -1 which means never
example: /getUrl?expire=36000&
Static File: please use /getStaticFile method to get one of our files
File: string, name of the static file
example: /getStaticFile?file=news-api-banner.bundle.min.js
Sheets to Json: please use /sheetsToJson method to get a JSON representation of a google sheets
id(required): string, sheet id
sheet: number, The number of the individual sheet you want to get data from. Your first sheet is 1, your second sheet is 2, etc. If no sheet is entered then 1 is the default.
q: string, A simple query string. This is case insensitive and will add any row containing the string in any cell to the filtered result.
integers(optional - default: true): boolean, Setting 'integers' to false will return numbers as a string.
rows (optional - default: true): boolean, Setting 'rows' to false will return only column data.
columns (optional - default: true): boolean, Setting 'columns' to false will return only row data.
example: /sheetsToJson?id=1AwijJ0cukLZyrmjbyW9MJ-E6TuvVqDi_XZWSkTSEDtM
For more info, please visit
Stocks: please use proxyStocks/stocks to get the informations about the stocks you want.
symbol(required): A symbol or a list of symbols separeted by comma
example: /proxyStocks/stock?symbol=AAPL,MSFT,HSBA.L